
Utility methods that exist on the global Falcon object. Methods include: application initialization, data checking, and binding management.

apply Falcon.apply( [root], [element], [callback] )
Falcon The global Falcon instance

Initializes a Falcon application and applies its bindings against an initial view.

A view or an observable containing a view to be applied to the application element
The element to initialize the application in. If none is provided, the body element is used.
Method called after the bindings have been initialized and applied.
 1 var LayoutView = Falcon.View.extend({ "url": "#layout_view_tmpl" });
 3 // Applies the view and bindings to the 'body' tag
 4 Falcon.apply( new LayoutView ); 
 6 // Applies the view and bindings the element with id="application"
 7 Falcon.apply( new LayoutView, "#application" ); 
 9 // Falcon.apply can also handle observables
10 // Applies the observable to the 'body' tag, nothing is currently rendered
11 var viewObs = ko.observable();
12 Falcon.apply( viewObs ); 
14 // Renders a layout view in 'body'
15 viewObs( new LayoutView ); 
addBinding Falcon.addBinding( name, [allowVirtual], definition)
Object The binding definition

Used to create a new binding. If the allowVirtual flag is set, then the binding may also be used as a virtual binding.

The binding name.
Should this binding be accessible using Knockout's virtual binding pattern?
The binding definition.
The binding name.
Should this binding be accessible using Knockout's virtual binding pattern?
The function to apply to the 'update' key in the binding definition.
 1 Falcon.addBinding("slideVisible", {
 2 	update: function(element, valueAccessor, allBindingsAccessor) {
 3 		// First get the latest data that we're bound to
 4 		var value = valueAccessor(), allBindings = allBindingsAccessor();
 6 		// Next, whether or not the supplied model property is observable, get its current value
 7 		var valueUnwrapped = ko.unwrap(value);
 9 		// Grab some more data from another binding property
10 		// 400ms is default duration unless otherwise specified
11 		var duration = allBindings.slideDuration || 400; 
13 		// Now manipulate the DOM element
14 		if (valueUnwrapped == true) {
15 			$(element).slideDown(duration); // Make the element visible
16 		} else {
17 			$(element).slideUp(duration);   // Make the element invisible
18 		}
19 	}
20 });
getBinding Falcon.getBinding( name )
Object The binding definition

Used to look up a specific binding definition object based on the binding's name.

The binding name.
1 binding_definition = Falcon.getBinding("foreach");
2 console.log( binding_definition ); // The binding definition object
isAdapter Falcon.isAdapter( object )
Boolean Is the object an adapter?

Method used to test if an object is a Falcon Adapter.

The Object to test
 1 var array		= [];
 2 var object		= new Falcon.Object();
 3 var collection	= new Falcon.Collection();
 4 var model 		= new Falcon.Model();
 5 var view 		= new Falcon.View();
 6 var adapter 	= new Falcon.Adapter();
 8 console.log( Falcon.isAdapter(array) );// false
 9 console.log( Falcon.isAdapter(object) );// false
10 console.log( Falcon.isAdapter(model) );// false
11 console.log( Falcon.isAdapter(collection) ); // false
12 console.log( Falcon.isAdapter(view) );// false
13 console.log( Falcon.isAdapter(adapter) );// true
isCollection Falcon.isCollection( object )
Boolean Is the object a collection

Method used to test if an object is a Falcon Collection.

The Object to test
 1 var array		= [];
 2 var object		= new Falcon.Object();
 3 var collection	= new Falcon.Collection();
 4 var model 		= new Falcon.Model();
 5 var view 		= new Falcon.View();
 6 var adapter 	= new Falcon.Adapter();
 8 console.log( Falcon.isCollection(array) );// false
 9 console.log( Falcon.isCollection(object) );// false
10 console.log( Falcon.isCollection(model) );// false
11 console.log( Falcon.isCollection(collection) ); // true
12 console.log( Falcon.isCollection(view) );// false
13 console.log( Falcon.isCollection(adapter) );// false
isDataObject Falcon.isDataObject( object )
Boolean Is the object a DataObject (Model or Collection)?

Method used to test if an object is a Falcon Model or Collection

The Object to test
 1 var array		= [];
 2 var object		= new Falcon.Object();
 3 var collection	= new Falcon.Collection();
 4 var model 		= new Falcon.Model();
 5 var view 		= new Falcon.View();
 6 var adapter 	= new Falcon.Adapter();
 8 console.log( Falcon.isDataObject(array) );// false
 9 console.log( Falcon.isDataObject(object) );// false
10 console.log( Falcon.isDataObject(model) );// true
11 console.log( Falcon.isDataObject(collection) ); // true
12 console.log( Falcon.isDataObject(view) );// false
13 console.log( Falcon.isDataObject(adapter) );// false
isFalconObject Falcon.isFalconObject( object )
Boolean Is the object a Falcon object?

Method used to test if an object is a Falcon Model, View, or Collection.

The Object to test
 1 var array		= [];
 2 var object		= new Falcon.Object();
 3 var collection	= new Falcon.Collection();
 4 var model 		= new Falcon.Model();
 5 var view 		= new Falcon.View();
 6 var adapter 	= new Falcon.Adapter();
 8 console.log( Falcon.isFalconObject(array) );// false
 9 console.log( Falcon.isFalconObject(object) );// true
10 console.log( Falcon.isFalconObject(model) );// true
11 console.log( Falcon.isFalconObject(collection) ); // true
12 console.log( Falcon.isFalconObject(view) );// true
13 console.log( Falcon.isFalconObject(adapter) );// true
isModel Falcon.isModel( object )
Boolean Is the object a model?

Method used to test if an object is a Falcon Model.

The Object to test
 1 var array		= [];
 2 var object		= new Falcon.Object();
 3 var collection	= new Falcon.Collection();
 4 var model 		= new Falcon.Model();
 5 var view 		= new Falcon.View();
 6 var adapter 	= new Falcon.Adapter();
 8 console.log( Falcon.isModel(array) );// false
 9 console.log( Falcon.isModel(object) );// false
10 console.log( Falcon.isModel(model) );// true
11 console.log( Falcon.isModel(collection) ); // false
12 console.log( Falcon.isModel(view) );// false
13 console.log( Falcon.isModel(adapter) );// false
isView Falcon.isView( object )
Boolean Is this a Falcon view?

Method used to test if an object is a Falcon View.

The Object to test
 1 var array		= [];
 2 var object		= new Falcon.Object();
 3 var collection	= new Falcon.Collection();
 4 var model 		= new Falcon.Model();
 5 var view 		= new Falcon.View();
 6 var adapter 	= new Falcon.Adapter();
 8 console.log( Falcon.isView(array) );// false
 9 console.log( Falcon.isView(object) );// false
10 console.log( Falcon.isView(model) );// false
11 console.log( Falcon.isView(collection) ); // false
12 console.log( Falcon.isView(view) );// true
13 console.log( Falcon.isView(adapter) );// false